Feel free to leave your comments by signing the guestbook!


Name: Heather Date: 2008-04-11
Email: hdbernard@gmail.com

Congratulations to you both on the new arrival! You are in our thoughts.

Name: Sudhir Prabhu Date: 2008-04-01
Email: sprabhu@eagleinvsys.com

Hi Larry: Congratulations to you and your family. Keep a MC guide beside him always. We need to get him started. :-) Btw..I got the link to ackshack thro stardev team.

Name: Your G-dparents Date: 2008-03-30
Email: Goldy1935@aol.com

Our very best wishes, congratulations and love to you all. Your Dad called this afternoon with the news. Our prayers are with baby Noah. Larry, I hope you are proud of me because I really don't know what I'm doing. XOXOXO Your loving G-dmother.

Name: Frank and Lee Goldman Date: 2008-03-30
Email: Goldy@aol.com

Wonderful site. Really enjoyed all the pictures. Much love

Name: Cousin Shelley Date: 2008-03-26
Email: is77rules@aol.com

Great job with your new bundle of joy. May you all share a lifetime of love, perfect health and happiness. Mystery baby boy looks like a keeper real. Can't wait to meet the newest member of the Ackerman clan. Mazel tov. XXX, Shelley, Marvin Baby Stewie and Babie Ian

Name: srcuz http://serp.hostsnake.com/ Date: 2008-03-18
Email: matdy@gmail.com

<a href= http://serp.hostsnake.com/blackhawk-serpa-tactical-holster.html >blackhawk serpa tactical holster</a> <a href= http://serp.hostsnake.com/dodge-serpentine-belt-diagram.html >dodge serpentine belt diagram</a> <a href= http://serp.hostsnake.com/paolo-eleuteri-serpieri-druuna.html >paolo eleuteri serpieri druuna</a> <a href= http://serp.hostsnake.com/picture-of-serpentine-belt.html >picture o...(trimmed)

Name: Linda Levine Date: 2008-01-28
Email: linda.levine@mmarealtycapital.com

When are you guys going to post new pictures?

Name: sam Date: 2007-09-23
Email: cherylgreer@hotmail.com

Do your really think people are that interested in your children? So many people have been sending your crap site address to each other to laugh at your self indulgent ways.Have you nothing better to do with your time? Get a life.

Name: Jenny, Darren, Benjamin and Max http://www.finkefamily.com Date: 2006-10-15
Email: jenniferfinke@gmail.com

Hi Ackermans! We wanted to write and wish Claire and Joshua a happy first birthday. We hope you had a fun party. It was great visiting with you last month - we are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. Take care and Happy Birthday to the babies!!

Name: Greg Glynn Date: 2006-07-07
Email: gglyn@comcast.net

Larry and Stacy, I saw no other email address for you. If you haven't heard--Kayla Grace Glynn was born on June 27 at 10:45 pm. She weighed 7 lbs. 6.8 oz. I'll get Josh to email a pic. Hope all is well with you. It doesn't take long for the kids to grow, does it. Like I tell Josh, Don't blink your eyes because they'll be in high school. Catch ya! Greg

Name: Erica (Monopoli), Bob and Isabella Graser Date: 2006-05-08
Email: egraser1@comcast.net

Hi Larry and family-Paul Riley told me about your website-I have the say I am very impressed. The twins are so adorable (as is your wife). Hope to meet them all soon-maybe at next year's reunion! Erica

Name: Michael Cornstubble Date: 2006-01-18
Email: mcornstubble@comcast.net

Congratulations Larry! It's been a long time, but I still fondly think back on our days in Spain! It's amazing how time is flying by! Fantastic site by the way!

Name: Jenny Date: 2006-01-03
Email: jenniferfinke@gmail.com

Looks like the Ack family had a fun winter vacation. The whole family looks great and hopefully everyone is getting more sleep nowadays!

Name: Colin Date: 2006-01-02
Email: rookie@cooper.edu

this is the best baby site i have ever seen. reminds me of a storefront.

Name: Benjamin Lucas Levine http://www.levinebs.com Date: 2005-11-28

I had a great time playing with my cousins. Mommy and Daddy said that I used to be that little, but I don't believe them! Next time lets have a party in my crib

Name: Chuck & Roz Cheney Date: 2005-10-23
Email: cecheney@msn.com

Best of luck Stacy and Larry. Larry, your mother and father keeps us updated.

Name: Lori Cotton (Cramer) Date: 2005-10-22
Email: loriacotton@yahoo.com

Hey Cousin - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you and Stacy. I wish you the very best! Love, Lori, Bryan (hubby) and Devyn (she's 14 mos.)

Name: Elaine Cramer Date: 2005-10-22
Email: elainecramer@comcast.net

Congratulations to you both!!! The babies are adorable. I don't know how she carried them to term. Good work Stacy. Enjoy every minute as they grow up sooooo fast! Have you registered? Love Cousins, Chuck & Elaine

Name: Susan and Steve Danow Date: 2005-10-16
Email: sdanow@aol.com

We're thrilled for you! Enjoy every moment! Lots of love from Cousins Susan and Steve

Name: Shelley Berkeley Date: 2005-10-14
Email: is77rules@aol.com

Lots of love to the new and improved Ackerman-Levine Family. You guys did an incredible job. I loved the presentation of all the beautiful photos and all the background info. The only problem is where are the Yankee hats and jerseys? All our love and best wishes. Love, The Berkeley Family

Name: Beth from Ivy Date: 2005-10-14

Congratulations, Stacy!! I love your website, and I'm so excited for you two!!! :o)

Name: Megan Date: 2005-10-10
Email: mphilbin@lehman.com

Congratulations! Claire and Joshua are adorable. I'm so happy to have two more Red Sox fans living in NY!

Name: Aunt Amy Date: 2005-10-10
Email: AmyGarber@msn.com

Needless to say I am overwhelmed with joy and excitement. They are simply adorable. I am so proud of my Stacy for being incredibly brave. “Props” to the proud poppa who has been working day and night to not only take care of the babies, but the house and his wife as well. Joshua and Claire – I want you to know that I will love you with all my heart…even if you are going to be Red Sox fans! ...(trimmed)

Name: Grandma and Grandpa Levine Date: 2005-10-09
Email: BLevine301@aol.com

Mazel Tov to Stacy and Larry on producing such beautiful babies. We hope your children will always be healthy, happy, and a source of "nachas" to you both. We look forward to enjoying them both and spoiling them rotten!

Name: Brian & Megan Date: 2005-10-07
Email: orseckm@aol.com

Ack Shackers- We are so excited for you and wish you all the best with your new additions! Love B&M PS - Brian thinks Stacy could have gone a few more weeks - gave in too early! Also, go YANKS!

Name: Jenny, Darren, Benjamin #1, and Max http://www.finkefamily.com Date: 2005-09-05
Email: jenniferfinke@gmail.com

We were so excited to see new pictures of Stacy. You are all tummy - we don't know how you're fitting two babies in there! We are so excited for you both and can't wait to see Q and Z. Miss you lots!

Name: Kelsey Dearborn Date: 2005-09-01
Email: KelseyK69@yahoo.com

Congrats! Parenthood is the BEST! Glad you are feeling great! Good luck!

Name: Rachel Date: 2005-08-26
Email: rachelbradbury2005@yahoo.com

Hi Larry & Stacy! Haven't seen you in so long, I hope you're doing great & having fun with the baby prep!

Name: Aunt Amy Date: 2005-08-09
Email: AmyGarber@msn.com

I can't wait for them to get here! I have so much spoiling to do.

Name: raymond de leon Date: 2005-07-15

Larry! best of luck, so glad to hear you've got twins on the way. my oh my you've come a long way -r

Name: Heather Davies Date: 2005-07-04
Email: hdavies004@hotmail.com

Congratulations to you both! I am so happy for you -- and will check back for more pictures and news!

Name: Nancy Pizzo Date: 2005-06-30
Email: npizzo@maine.rr.com

Congratulations! I had to be included in the competition! Wishing you all the best...

Name: Matt & Lisa Date: 2005-06-30
Email: mlcantor@optonline.net

Larry - you're a little nuts but we love you.. hey - where's our sunday paper??? Stacy - just 112 days to go! and how do you put up with Larry's antics??? :) p.s. will one baby keep kosher while the other eats cheeseburgers?

Name: Melissa and Lenore Mendelson Date: 2005-06-29
Email: cellmis28@aol.com

Great website! The babies are adorable. They look just like you. Stacy, you look great! Can't wait to see more pictures to come.

Name: Leslie Boyle Date: 2005-06-29
Email: labboyle@earthlink.net

So happy for you both. Twin are alot of fun. Stacey you look great! Best wishes to all 5 of you.

Name: Angela Date: 2005-06-28
Email: angela_pizzo@hotmail.com

This is extremely exciting! Love the web page. Thinking of you both...sending healthy vibes...

Name: Sharleen & Jose Date: 2005-06-27
Email: sharleendavis@hotmail.com

YAY!!! So exciting. Add two more to the Bates Class of 202? enrollment. ;-) Hope you can still our wedding. Can't wait to see you both.

Name: NANCY SMITH Date: 2005-06-27
Email: NSMITH12679@AOL.COM


Name: Joel Newman Date: 2005-06-27
Email: pidgas@optonline.net

Pretty mommy (to be)= pretty babies (to be) on Oct. 23. (clairvoyancy and modesty are my greatest attributes.

Name: Jenny, Darren, Benjamin and Max http://www.finkefamily.com Date: 2005-06-27
Email: jenniferfinke@gmail.com

The site looks great, Stacy looks great, Maui is adorable! Looking forward to seeing pictures of those little babies - We think at least one is a boy because we thought we saw a little something on the sonogram :-) Good luck to you both!

Name: Jeff L. Date: 2005-06-27
Email: jlandesmann@bwd.us

Looking good!

Name: Wayne Date: 2005-06-27
Email: w1hg@aol.com

Stacy, you got HUGE!! So cute!! Keep up the good work!

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